Tuesday, 15 November 2011 | | 0 comments

Kissing Cousins

L-15 Hongdu

Yak 130 "Mitten"
are close cousins of the M346 which is here

but anybody wants to drive a MiG-AT here?

Monday, 14 November 2011 | | 0 comments

Job Openings for pilots and ex- pilots

We are looking for honest and talented, people who wish to join our new Warbird Club...

candidates preferably must have managed an airline before in senior management, or is a qualified pilot-- military of civvie is fine.

We are also looking for PR and Marketing staff. Applicants should have a background in marketing luxury goods

we are also looking for demonstration pilots for our fleet of fast jets. Former Fighter pilots only please.
non-fast jet pilots should be able to handle a Super Tucano at the very least. Preferably TOP GUN pilots.

We can accept pilots from the former USSR too. But these must have flown MIG/SU planes.

Do send in resumes.

Any nationality.

Please send in resume

to stormorochalie (at) Gmail.com

Thursday, 3 November 2011 | | 0 comments

Welcome to our Warbird Club.

Here are our proposed jets for acquisitions! Su-30 Flanker,  Super Tucano, M346 Master and Su-27 Flanker, Marchetti S211, BAe Hawk AJT